November 28, 2012

  • Full Moon

    The full moon was rising, big and orange on the eastern horizon as I was driving home about dusk tonight. Beautiful.  The full moon in November is known as the Beaver Moon or Frost Moon.

     Today was long.  Had a student come in saying he was having a seizure–waving his hands around.  Talking. Walking.  Convinced him he was not having a seizure and needed to go back to class (Special Ed).  Then he decided he had rabies because a cat scratched his arm.  It would have been funnier except this is a case of you can’t fix stupid.  I think he got his “wish” to go home later…but as a discipline issue, not illness. 

    Last night I ate at Country Bob’s.  I waited until Dennis called me, saying things were slow enough he could take a break and eat with me. It was good home cookin’.  The fried catfish was really good.  Salad bar was not fancy, but adequate.  Stewed tomatoes and boiled cabbage along with the usual mashed potatoes, green beans and corn.  Quite a few cakes, puddings, and the usual cobbler for dessert.  They have a regular menu, but Dennis and I had the buffet so the Kiwanis would get 10% of the proceeds.  It was also a good way for the Kiwanis to get their message out to others, by just being there bussing tables, filling water glasses and chatting with customers.  It was a positive experience.

    Dennis is about to start a long dental road.  First is some gum surgery.  Then bone grafts in his jaws so he can get some dental implants to replace the teeth he had pulled a few months ago.  Sounds expensive and painful.  I’m going to continue to brush and floss my teeth daily.  Maybe twice daily. 

    I’m not sure the almanac is getting the next few days right.  Rainy & mild.  Temperatures are warming gradually, each day and we’ll be up to 60 by the weekend.  It’s dry so the temperatures are also dropping at night.  No rain is in the forecast until the weekend…and it will be December.

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