October 22, 2012

  • A Monday Indeed

    There were the usual “Monday-itis” students.  It was a nice, sunny fall day so that meant more than usual playground injuries. Then there were the truly sick students.  One of the Monday-itis students with a stomach ache about 30 minutes after class started:  Me:  Did you eat breakfast?  (rule on the possibility student is HUNGRY and that is why stomach hurts)  Student:  No. But I did have a bowl of cereal at home.    Me: You need to be in class.  

    The book club was interesting.  We discussed All Nature Sings.  Everyone enjoyed the book and there was quite a bit of sharing.  Next month is Out Live Your Life.  

    Ever since we got Charter cable in 1993, our “connection” has not been good.  When the duplex was built next door (about 1995 or 96) they cut our underground cable and an above ground cable was run “temporarily”.  Over the years we’ve had mulitple complaints about poor reception, no reception, and they just kept adding more and more bandaides, and never really addresssing the problem.  It was also never grounded and a month or so ago, the connection got so bad that we had extremely intermittent cable because it was shorting out whenever the wind or squirrel moved it.  So we got a nice cable person come out and replace our outdated box and promise to fix our problem. The utility people marked the gas line and eventually they marked the path of our underground cable…and actually buried a cable. 

    I could see where they put the cable in the ground and a cable came up and ran to the electric box, where you would expect it went inside our house…  Except they never took down the above ground cable. One is cable, the other phone.    So, curiosity got the better of me and I opened the electric box.We may have a buried cable but it isn’t  connected.  We still have the same cable. It’s a little more secure and there have only been a few times I’ve heard the “pop” and the picture flashed, but came right back.  Yep, Charter has improved.  NOT.  On the other hand, I’m not sure if the options available here would be any better.  



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